Author's Guide

Submission of Manuscript

Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.

  • Accepted papers will be acknowledged and processed further.
  • Manuscripts will not be returned if rejected.
  • If the author does not receive the status of the submission within 45 days, they should inquire via email.
  • Submission Format:
    • Document 1: Title, List of Authors, Corresponding Author’s Email ID, and Full Affiliation Details.
    • Document 2: Full Article Text (Body).
  • Online submission system is preferred for manuscript submission.

Preparation of Manuscript

  • Indicate the category of the article (Research Article, Short Communication, Review Article, Case Report).
  • Author(s) should include their email ID and full affiliation details on the title page.
  • Manuscripts should be concise and well-structured (maximum 6000 words).
  • Page numbers should be placed in the lower right-hand corner.
  • The manuscript must be written in clear, professional English.
  • To ensure blind review, do not include author names in the main text.

We Accept Manuscripts under the Following Categories:

  • Research Articles (Up to 6000 words)
  • Review Articles (Up to 5000 words)
  • Case Reports/Studies (Up to 3000 words)
  • Short Communications (Up to 3000 words)

Research Areas

We accept research papers and articles from various branches of agricultural sciences, including but not limited to:

  • Agronomy & Crop Science:
    Crop physiology and agronomic practices, Precision agriculture and smart farming, Soil fertility, soil-plant interactions, and nutrient management, Crop rotation and sustainable cropping systems, Organic farming and integrated farming systems.
  • Soil Science & Land Management:
    Soil fertility and nutrient management, Soil microbiology and bioremediation, Land degradation and soil conservation, Biochar, composting, and soil amendments, Soil pollution and mitigation strategies.
  • Agricultural Extension & Rural Development:
    Technology transfer and innovation adoption in agriculture, Farmer education and training programs, Role of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in agriculture, Policy analysis and rural development strategies, Sustainable agriculture and climate-smart farming.
  • Plant Protection & Crop Health:
    Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Plant pathology and disease control, Biological control of pests and weeds, Pesticide residue analysis and safety, Resistance management in crops.
  • Horticulture & Floriculture:
    Fruit and vegetable crop production, Greenhouse and vertical farming, Post-harvest technology and value addition, Medicinal and aromatic plants, Landscaping and floriculture.
  • Animal Science & Livestock Management:
    Dairy and meat production systems, Poultry science and nutrition, Animal genetics and breeding, Veterinary medicine and animal health, Livestock waste management and environmental impact.
  • Fisheries & Aquaculture:
    Sustainable fisheries and aquatic resource management, Aquaculture nutrition and feed technology, Marine and freshwater biodiversity conservation, Fish breeding and genetics, Water quality management in aquaculture.
  • Agricultural Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
    Genetically modified crops and bio fortification, Molecular breeding and gene editing technologies, Plant-microbe interactions and microbial biotechnology, Biotechnological approaches for disease resistance, Advances in seed science and hybrid development.
  • Agricultural Engineering & Mechanization
    Farm machinery and equipment innovations, Irrigation systems and water management, Post-harvest technology and food processing, Renewable energy applications in agriculture, Automation and robotics in farming.
  • Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability
    Climate-smart agriculture and carbon sequestration, Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation strategies, Agroforestry and conservation agriculture, Sustainable land and water resource management, Disaster risk management in agriculture.
  • Agribusiness & Agricultural Economics
    Market trends and value chain analysis, Agricultural trade policies and international trade, Entrepreneurship in agriculture and agribusiness startups, Microfinance and rural credit in farming communities, Socio-economic impact of agricultural policies.


  • All manuscripts submitted to Asian Journal of Agriculture Research and Extension (AJARE) must be original and unpublished.
  • Authors must certify that the manuscript is not under review elsewhere.

Manuscript Structure

Title Page:

  • Title in boldface, title case (font size 14).
  • Author Names: Full names with affiliation details and email IDs.
  • Corresponding Author: Clearly marked with an asterisk (*).
  • Running Title: Short title (not exceeding 50 characters).

Abstract & Keywords:

  • Abstract: Up to 250 words, providing a concise summary of the study.
  • Keywords: Up to six relevant keywords.

Main Sections:

  1. Introduction: Define the study’s scope, objectives, and significance.
  2. Materials & Methods: Detail the experimental methods and cite previous studies where applicable.
  3. Statistical Analysis: Describe the statistical tests used.
  4. Results: Clearly present findings with tables and figures.
  5. Discussion: Interpret results and their implications in relation to previous research.
  6. Conclusion: Summarize key findings and recommendations.
  7. Acknowledgment(s): Recognize funding sources or contributors.
  8. Conflict of Interest: Declare any potential conflicts.
  9. Funding & Author Contributions: Specify funding details and author roles.
  10. References: Follow NLM or ICMJE guidelines.

Tables & Figures


  • Numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
  • Created using Microsoft Word (No images of tables allowed).
  • Place tables within the text at the appropriate location.


  • Submit high-resolution JPEG files.
  • Number figures consecutively.
  • Include brief, descriptive legends below figures.
  • Permission required for reprinted figures.


  • Number references in the order they appear in the text.
  • Use Arabic numerals in brackets [1] for citations.
  • Examples:
    • Journal Article: Devi KV, Pai RS. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2006;68:1-6.
    • Book: Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental Health Care for Elderly People. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
  • Follow NLM or ICMJE guidelines: NLM, ICMJE.

Language & Formatting

  • Manuscripts must be submitted in clear, concise English.
  • Use Calibri font size 12 for text and Constantia font size 14 for the title.
  • Do not use underlining or broken words at line ends.
  • Use the TAB key (not the spacebar) for indentation.
  • Keep right-hand margin unjustified.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted as editable text files.

Licensing Policy

The Asian Journal of Agriculture Research and Extension (AJARE) follows an Open Access policy. Upon acceptance, manuscripts will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), allowing free access and distribution for non-commercial purposes.

Rejection Appeals

Appeal Process:

  • Authors can appeal editorial decisions by emailing the Editor at
  • A detailed appeal letter must be submitted within 14 calendar days.

Review of Appeal:

  • Appeals are reviewed by a senior editorial board member.
  • If approved, the manuscript may resume review and be reconsidered.

If rejected, the original decision stands.