Author's Guide

Submission of Manuscript

Authors should submit their manuscripts in electronic format (Microsoft Word document). Accepted papers will be acknowledged and processed further. Manuscripts will not be returned if rejected. If the author does not receive the status of the article within 45 days from the date of submission, they may inquire via email.

Authors must submit their articles in two separate documents:

  1. First Document: Contains the Title, List of Authors, and Corresponding Author with their Email IDs.
  2. Second Document: Contains the remaining article text or body.

The acceptance or rejection of a manuscript will be decided by the Editorial Board based on the peer-review process.

Online submission system must be preferred.

Preparation of Manuscript

  • Authors must specify the category of their article (Research Article, Short Communication, Review Article, Case Report) at the time of submission.
  • The title page should include the full names, affiliations, and email IDs of all authors/co-authors.
  • Manuscripts should be concise, with a total word count not exceeding 6000 words.
  • Page numbers should appear in the lower right-hand corner of each page, starting with the title page.
  • The manuscript must be written in clear and explicit English.
  • To facilitate a double-blind review, the names of authors and any identifying details must not appear in the body of the manuscript.

We Accept Manuscripts under the Following Categories

  • Research Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Case Reports/Studies
  • Short Communications

Word Limit

The manuscript should follow the word limit according to its category (excluding the abstract):

  • Research Article: 6000 words
  • Short Communication: 3000 words
  • Review Article: 5000 words
  • Case Report/Study: 3000 words

Research Areas

Manuscripts may be submitted from the following broad research areas:

  • Social Sciences & Humanities:
    Covering all areas such as humanities, sociology, anthropology, education, political science, law, policy, arts, history, philosophy, literature, linguistics, cultural studies, media studies, psychology, communication and library science.
  • Engineering & Technology:
    Encompassing all branches including information technology, computer science and applications, civil, mechanical, chemical, electrical, and electronics engineering, telecommunications, industrial engineering, materials science, aerospace, environmental engineering, nanotechnology, robotics and automation.
  • Medical & Health Sciences:
    Spanning all areas of medicine, health, nursing, clinical research, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, phytochemistry, public health, dentistry and allied health disciplines.
  • Veterinary Science:
    Including all aspects of veterinary medicine, surgery, pathology, preventive care, veterinary public health, animal husbandry, companion animal care, farm animal health, exotic animal medicine and related research.
  • Management & Business Studies:
    Covering all facets of commerce, economics, finance, accounting, corporate governance, human resources, marketing, quality management, training and development, business administration, entrepreneurship, supply chain management, strategic management and international business.
  • Agriculture & Life Sciences:
    Encompassing all branches such as agronomy, horticulture, crop science, soil science, agricultural engineering, biotechnology, agricultural economics, extension services, food technology, dairy science, plant protection, and the full spectrum of biological sciences including botany, bioscience, microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, nutrition, plant science, entomology, zoology, fisheries and environmental ecology.
  • Natural & Formal Sciences:
    Including all disciplines within physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, earth sciences, environmental science, astronomy, astrophysics, geology and related interdisciplinary fields.
  • Physical Education & Sports Sciences:
    Covering all areas such as sports, yoga, physiotherapy, exercise science, kinesiology, recreation, fitness and health.
  • Home Science:
    Embracing all branches and areas within the field of home science.
  • Interdisciplinary & Emerging Fields:
    Research that bridges traditional disciplinary boundaries and fosters innovation across multiple areas of inquiry.


All submitted manuscripts must be original and not published or under review elsewhere. Authors must certify the originality of their work. Any instance of plagiarism, falsification, or duplication will lead to disqualification from future submissions.

Research Article Format

Manuscripts should be structured as follows:

  1. Title
  2. Authors' Full Names
  3. Affiliations & Email IDs
  4. Abstract (Max: 250 words)
  5. Keywords (Up to six)
  6. Introduction
  7. Materials and Methods/Experimental Section
  8. Statistical Analysis
  9. Results
  10. Discussion
  11. Conclusion
  12. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
  13. Conflict of Interest Declaration
  14. Funding & Author Contributions
  15. References

Title Page Format

  • Title: Boldface, Title Case, Font Size 14 (Constantia)
  • Authors' Names: Uppercase, Font Size 12
  • Affiliations: Complete details with postal address and pin code
  • Corresponding Author: Marked with an asterisk (*)
  • Running Title: Should not exceed 50 characters

Abstract & Keywords

  • The abstract should be informative, self-explanatory, and written in the past tense.
  • Keywords (up to six) should be relevant and specific to the study.

Results & Discussion

  • Results should be clear and concise, presented in past tense.
  • The discussion should interpret findings in relation to prior research and highlight significant insights.
  • Avoid repeating results in both text and graphical formats.


  • References should be numbered in the order they appear in the text, using square brackets [1].
  • Use APA/NLM Citation Style for reference formatting.
  • Examples:
    • Devi KV, Pai RS. Antiretrovirals: Need for an Effective Drug Delivery. Indian J Pharm Sci 2006;68:1-6.
    • Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental Health Care for Elderly People. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.

Tables & Figures

  • Tables must be formatted in Microsoft Word with clear column separations.
  • Figures should be high-resolution JPEG files with Arabic numeral captions.
  • Tables/Figures must be placed within the text and not at the end of the document.

Author Contributions & Conflict of Interest

  • Authors should specify their individual contributions to the research.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed at the time of submission.

Language & Formatting Guidelines

  • Use Calibri (12pt) for content and Constantia (14pt) for the title.
  • Use TAB for paragraph indentation, not spaces.
  • Manuscripts should be written in clear, professional English.

Licensing Policy

The Asian Journal of Advanced Academic Research and Analysis follows Open Access Policy under the Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Readers can read, download, and share published articles for non-commercial purposes.

Rejection Appeals

Authors may appeal rejection decisions within 14 calendar days by emailing the Editor-in-Chief with supporting arguments. Appeals will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and, if successful, the manuscript may proceed through the review process.

For any queries, contact