About the Journal

About Asian Journal of Advanced Academic Research and Analysis

The Asian Journal of Advanced Academic Research and Analysis is an international, online open access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality, multidisciplinary research. Serving as a global platform for the exchange of scientific information and innovative ideas, the journal emphasizes originality, scientific rigor and the dissemination of impactful research. It accepts a diverse range of submissions, including:

  • Original & Research Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Case Studies & Reports
  • Short Communications

Scope of Publication

The journal welcomes contributions from all fields and areas of academic inquiry. Its comprehensive, multidisciplinary scope encompasses:

  • Social Sciences & Humanities:
    Covering all areas such as humanities, sociology, anthropology, education, political science, law, policy, arts, history, philosophy, literature, linguistics, cultural studies, media studies, psychology, communication and library science.
  • Engineering & Technology:
    Encompassing all branches including information technology, computer science and applications, civil, mechanical, chemical, electrical and electronics engineering, telecommunications, industrial engineering, materials science, aerospace, environmental engineering, nanotechnology, robotics and automation.
  • Medical & Health Sciences:
    Spanning all areas of medicine, health, nursing, clinical research, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, phytochemistry, public health, dentistry and allied health disciplines.
  • Veterinary Science:
    Including all aspects of veterinary medicine, surgery, pathology, preventive care, veterinary public health, animal husbandry, companion animal care, farm animal health, exotic animal medicine and related research.
  • Management & Business Studies:
    Covering all facets of commerce, economics, finance, accounting, corporate governance, human resources, marketing, quality management, training and development, business administration, entrepreneurship, supply chain management, strategic management and international business.
  • Agriculture & Life Sciences:
    Encompassing all branches such as agronomy, horticulture, crop science, soil science, agricultural engineering, biotechnology, agricultural economics, extension services, food technology, dairy science, plant protection and the full spectrum of biological sciences including botany, bioscience, microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, nutrition, plant science, entomology, zoology, fisheries and environmental ecology.
  • Natural & Formal Sciences:
    Including all disciplines within physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, earth sciences, environmental science, astronomy, astrophysics, geology and related interdisciplinary fields.
  • Physical Education & Sports Sciences:
    Covering all areas such as sports, yoga, physiotherapy, exercise science, kinesiology, recreation, fitness and health.
  • Home Science:
    Embracing all branches and areas within the field of home science.
  • Interdisciplinary & Emerging Fields:
    Research that bridges traditional disciplinary boundaries and fosters innovation across multiple areas of inquiry.


Open Access Policy

In line with the Budapest Open Access Initiative, all articles published in the Asian Journal of Advanced Academic Research and Analysis are available worldwide under an open access policy. Readers can directly access, read, download, copy, and distribute the full texts for non-commercial purposes without any subscription or access fees.


Frequency of Publication

The journal is published half yearly with issues released every January and July


Why Authors Choose Asian Journal of Advanced Academic Research and Analysis

  • Easy Online Submission: Streamlined, user-friendly manuscript submission process.
  • Effective Editorial Standards: Rigorous review process ensuring high-quality publications.
  • Timely Email Notifications: Prompt updates throughout the submission and publication process.
  • Excellent Peer Review Process: Constructive feedback from expert reviewers to enhance your research.
  • International Quality and Standards: Recognized globally for its commitment to academic excellence.
  • Publication Certificate: Hard copy of the publication certificate is available upon request.

The Asian Journal of Advanced Academic Research and Analysis is committed to fostering interdisciplinary research and facilitating a global exchange of innovative ideas across all fields and areas of academic inquiry.